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3 simple things customers want from a relationship with your brand.

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Why does trust matter so much in a new home buying experience? Why does trust matter to every single brand in existence? One word -- relationships. I am reading the book, The Experience, by Bruce Loeffler and Brian T. Church. Both are veteran executives from Disney. They've put their 5 principles of Disney service and relationship excellence into a pragmatic book with relatable and elegantly simple ideas you can apply to any business where exceptional service counts. About half way through the first chapter, the authors describe what customers want from their relationship with a brand. A light bulb went off, for me, because it sounded a lot like what everyone wants from any relationship! It seemed particularly relevant to Builder Marketers because buying a new home involves such a large degree of trust by consumers. Here's what the authors have to say:  "Customers want to feel welcomed, valued and that they matter to you." It's simple and if you think about your own relationships, it's pretty true - isn't it?Pink Feminine Acoustic Album Cover (2) While it's an elegantly simple idea, expressing this to prospects and customers is intentional work.  How do you give employees operational definitions of what it means to deliver  "Welcomeness", a feeling of being Valued and demonstrating that customers really Matter to you? Do you have a language for this internally? Are you intentionally creating a culture around trust? I think these are questions worth asking ourselves. For the most part (with the exception of move-in ready inventory), a new home purchase involves a significantly high level of trust by the home buyer.  A prospect that chooses a new home over a resale home is purchasing a current vision of a future home yet to be constructed. And... it will likely be their singularly largest purchase ever. That act requires incredible trust. To earn that trust new home builders must be exceptional relationship builders. We work for many top Builder brands who take this very seriously. We are in the process of assessing and inventorying all of our business activities against these three customer wants to bring our whole team into the process of customer experience design. We want our clients to continue to feel that our brand is worthy of their trust. How does your company take action to build trusting relationships with prospects and customers? Check out the brief Forbes article on our FB page to read more about what trustworthy companies do. Thanks for visiting! Have a great week. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home buyer journey.      

The Brand Guide – Unsung Hero of Brand Consistency.

By BP News No Comments
bf866cbcddeb1479c28ad8c4f8aca389 Brands express themselves in colors, typeface fonts, photo imagery, voice, and they have a "mood" and a set of characteristics that reflect their personality.  Brand guides help to centralize all this information and make it "turnkey-simple" for your company to reproduce and speak for your brand in a way that delivers a consistent experience to your customers and prospects. If you are looking for Brand Guide inspiration, grab a cup of coffee and check out these graphically inviting links to brand guides of every kind. I love this visually enticing HubSpot blog post about brand guides. The post displays 22 brand guides that would inspire any Marketing Manager. If you've got a brand guide that you've been meaning to update, you'll be inspired because we've also included some other creative and instructive resources that you can easily adapt to what you are using currently. Brand Guides ultimately communicate to your prospects and customers about what is important to you. This Manifesto below, by Momu Homes in Perth, Australia, is a creative way of telling consumers what their brand is about. I don't know if it's in their brand guide, but it says alot about what is important to them. They've figured out a fun way to tell customers and prospects how the brand is expressed through employees. Part of having a brand guide is knowing how to articulate what it means internally to your employees too. MOMU-Manifesto2_1 I won't mention names, but we have brand guides that approach 80-100 pages for large Builder brands (and yes, our team reads them). It's a critically important piece of Marketing infrastructure that informs employees, stakeholders and partners so that the Builder brand is experienced consistently by homebuying prospects as they engage along their journey to purchase a new home. page_1_thumb_large However, if you are a regional or mid-size builder, you may not need an 80 page document. You can actually get exactly what you need in 6-10 pages.  I like this brand guide from Scrimshaw coffee. They've really nailed the core pieces of information with clarity and simplicity. It's a pretty easy format to mimic if you are looking for motivation to get started. If you (like many of us), get writer's block when you start any project involving written communication, you will love this article about what goes into creating a brand guide. New Home Builder Marketing is unique in that Builder firms are intentionally decentralized in order to stay close to their regional and local markets. The Brand Guide is a cohesive set of instructions that helps the whole enterprise synchronize with a consistent brand message that resonates across all markets. Builder Promotions is a nationwide builder solution, helping to deliver brand consistency to marketing products that are used to support the new homebuyer journey. The team at Builder Promotions lives, eats and breathes brand style guidelines that apply to outdoor merchandising, sales center supplies, customer and realtor gifts, signing products and welcome home packages, on behalf of Builders nationwide. We think that's why more New Home Builders are consolidating their marketing spend through our builder-centric platform.   Do you have a favorite resource for brand guide development? Please share on our Facebook page. We'd love to hear from you.  Thanks for stopping by! See you soon. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Pssst.....Coming soon look for our interview with Builder Funnel's, Spencer Powell. Our interview with Spencer will reveal the ultimate Grand Opening checklist. Spencer consolidates and simplifies all things New Home Community Grand Openings into a convenient checklist to help you get ready for yours.      

Custom Flags perform 3 important tasks for New Home Communities.

By #YourBrandInTheirLife - New Products, BP News, Builder Brand e-Store Platform No Comments

BuilderCategoryStoreImageDoormats_Flags_Signs2Pacific Highlands Ranch, San Diego, CA

Flags serve several important purposes for New Home Communities:
  • Attract
  • Identify
  • Direct

When new home buying prospects shift from digital shopping to an in-person visit at your beautifully designed new home communities, they are usually met with inviting, eye-catching and enticing Community branding, architecturally interesting entrances and billowing flags. Flags are a cost-effective way to signal that there is a new home community waiting to be explored, discovered and enjoyed by prospective home buyers.

Construction At A PulteGroup Inc. Housing Development Ahead of Earnings Figures In the context of new home marketing, a flag's main purpose is to create movement that attracts prospects. Secondarily, they identify your brand and differentiate your Community from others in the area. TRIpointhomes Lastly and most importantly,  flags are important signage that direct visitors to your Sales Center and Models. As digital shoppers begin to align with your brand, it's important to ensure they can find you easily in what often is a sea of new home communities built in expanding and crowded regional markets. Here are the main design components and flag styles used by our Home Builder clients. These serve all three purposes;  signaling, decoration and signage. Flag Designs:                                                     Flag Styles: Custom Builder Flags                                        Custom feather flags (138" x 27") American Flags                                                   Vertical Adbreeze flags State Flags                                                           Horizontal rectangular flags Solid Color Accent Flags Buyers often mistake flags as permanent signage when they are in fact a perishable product. They are often at the mercy of mother nature and that is why its important to refresh them every 3-6 months. Everything from intense sunshine (Florida/Arizona) to high winds (northern California) to hurricane weather (gulf coast), can impact the life of a flag. The good news is that by far, flags are one of the best brand investments because they cost pennies on the dollar for each brand exposure. This is especially true of poly flags which create movement and attract the eye with the slightest breeze. Gone are the days of a heavy nylon flag wrapped around a flag pole hiding your brand. Europe has been ahead of the curve on this for years and most builders have shifted to the Poly flags because they do the job better, last as long as nylon and are significantly more cost-effective.


  Here's the simple Math - Let's say you have 30 Adbreeze flags installed throughout your newly launched community. They cost you $22 each for a total of  $660 (flags only  - poles do not need to be replaced).  Let's say your traffic per month is 500 visitors. That's 44 cents per brand exposure for 1500 visitors over 90 days. And because a flags job is to attract passersby, it's critically important that they are replaced and refreshed regularly. Many Builders refresh their flags quarterly. alternativebuildercategorystoreimageflags If you are using the smaller rectangular flags, the math is even more compelling - 30 3' x 5' flags at $10.95 each or a total of $328. That's 22 cents per brand exposure for 1500 visitors over 90 days. Signage is permanent and flags are perishable. It's important to refresh flags and recognize that they are dollar for dollar, one of the best values there is in brand advertising for new Home Communities. Builder Promotions has a JIT (just-in-time) Flag program that helps you manage your needs and keep community merchandising fresh, cost-effectively. Flags can be shipped to communities directly or to installers locally. Thanks for Stopping by! We appreciate you sharing your time with us. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home buyer journey. BP Custom Shopper™ is a signature service of Builder Promotions, Inc.  Builder Promotions designs, manufactures and distributes New Home Builder Flags, Avenue Banners and Hardware.  We'd love to talk with you about how your outdoor merchandising is working to influence new home buyers. Talk with us by calling 800.388.3565 or connect via email at

She's on our team, which means she's on your team too. Meet Anna Jimenez.

By BP News No Comments
BP6 Front Page (4) BP Custom Shopper™ is a signature service of Builder Promotions, Inc. It's like a personal shopper and a virtual marketing assistant combined. Clients can quickly brief our BP Custom Shoppers™ with information about their Realtor event, grand opening, closing gifts, new Community launch, etc.  BP Custom Shoppers™ generate ideas, shop for enticing products, create custom virtual images and email a digital creative presentation to clients with products they can use to sell new homes. While we are doing this work, our clients are busy attending to the tidal wave of tasks required to market a New Home Community. What makes this service so popular is that it's fueled by enthusiastic, creative and dedicated professionals like Anna Jimenez. We recently stopped by Anna's office and sat with her for an interview about her work with Builder Marketing clients.  We thought you'd enjoy getting to know her!  Marketing Blueprints: What's your favorite part about delivering BP Customer Shopper™ creative services to Builder Marketers?20141103_D800_annajimenez_headshots_2809_5x7 (3) Anna: I love talking to our clients! And what I love even more is taking their ideas and turning them into something real and amazing.  I've worked in this business for years, and it is still such fun to see a client's excitement over the finished product!   Marketing Blueprints: What's one of the most creative projects you've worked on for a client? Anna: I've worked on so many over the years! From custom beach towels to beach kits with towels and custom flip flops to completely custom umbrellas with a full color imprint on both top and bottom. There is a trend in custom packaging right now which gives our clients another creative dimension to deliver their community branding.  A lot of our clients are packaging products together to create really beautiful welcome home gifts, too. The wonderful part of this business is that if  someone can dream it up, most of the time, we can make it happen. BPCSVideo2 Marketing Blueprints: How do clients respond to the digital presentation we provide? Anna: Happiness is what I get most! The idea that you can take our custom graphic presentation and share it at a meeting with Division team members, really excites our clients. We've saved them a lot of time and helped them with their job, too. Most of our clients are super busy and if we can provide creative support and save time, they are always really happy. BPCSVideo4 Marketing Blueprints: What's the wackiest request you've received? Anna: Flashing Headbands, crazy Mardi gras beads and light up ice cubes. I have great visions of the event where these were distributed! Marketing Blueprints: Can you share a few things about yourself? Anna: I am a lucky woman who has a fabulous husband and two of the most amazing children ever (I'm not just saying that, they really are)! I live in San Diego, one of the best places on earth and have two great jobs -- one at Builder Promotions and the other (one day a week) at the San Diego Natural History Museum. And lastly, go Dodgers! Hope you enjoyed getting to know a valued member of our team.  You're in luck because she's a member of your team too, if you are using the BP Custom Shopper™ service. Thanks for reading our blog, Marketing Blueprints. Come back soon! Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home buyer journey. BP Custom Shopper™ is a signature service of Builder Promotions, Inc.

Marketing Hacks: 3 Resources You'll Want to Check Out.

By BP News No Comments
tree-1715298_960_720When was the last time you got a chance to let your mind wander and think about your overall Marketing strategy? It's refreshing and productive to get above the details, but it's often impossible to find the time. The digital house hunt has upended the way Builder Marketers spend their time at work. Home buyers have reinvented the home buying process using technology to shop when and where they want 24/7. Our amazing and savvy Builder clients are designing buying journeys around home shoppers' preferences for engaging online and on site. As a result, Builder Marketers have had to evolve into Digital Marketing Experts in addition to everything else they do. There is endless content about Marketing and little time to sift through to what is relevant right now for your Communities. We thought we'd share a few resources we like here in today's blog post. Here are three resources where you can find Marketing Hacks that may save you a little time and help sell New Homes too:
  1. Email Marketing is a key piece of sales communication with prospective homebuyers.  13 Email Marketing Hacks  reminds Marketers to stay focused on the goal of creating leads you can pass along to Sales.
  2. I love fast hacks. There's just so little time in the day. This e-book from HubSpot has 34 one-paragraph hacks for Content Marketing. Check it out to see what ideas can be easily migrated to New Home Marketing.
  3. Marketing professionals everywhere are using Buyer Persona tools to help them design customer journeys around people rather than market segments. These Buyer Persona templates from HubSpot jumpstart the process if you've been thinking about using this process to engage prospective home buyers.
Thanks for stopping by. Check out our Facebook page for a link to more Free marketing content from HubSpot, organized for easy access and fast consumption. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home selling cycle.

Pet Friendly Spaces are important to 33% of Millennial home buying prospects.

By BP News No Comments
millennial-couples-520x370 Professional Builder Magazine published results of recent research about Millennial home buyers this week. The bottom line is that Dogs, Kids and Equity are major considerations for purchasing a new home for this important segment of first time home buyers. Dogs, puppy, park, California aqueduct, people, generic_7641348_ver1.0_640_360 And when it comes to their furry companions, here are three things that influence 33% of millennial home buying prospects:
  • Big fenced yards
  • Nearby Parks
  • Dog-friendly neighborhoods
Do dogs trump Marriage and Kids for this demographic? No they don't. But often they are a first step in making a commitment together. The survey, produced by Sun Trust Mortgage Company, indicates that couples looking for a home are often thinking about more space for their canine friends as part of making that next commitment of home ownership together. Savvy builder Marketers are starting to use pet friendly promotions to highlight pet-friendly benefits of their Homes and Communities.  Here's a short list of products being used by National Home Builders to promote their communities to dog-loving home buying prospects:
  • Dog Treats in customized jar
  • Collapsible water bowls
  • Dog Food Dishes
  • Dog Bandanas
  • Dog Leashes
  • On-the-go dog water bottles
Check out our new Pet Friendly Theme event store to see these and other canine-friendly products you can brand to create a connection with  dog-loving millennial prospects. millennial-pet-owner Thanks for stopping by! Cheers, Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home selling cycle. BP Custom Shopper (tm) and BP GroupBuy (tm) are signature services of Builder Promotions.

Looking for creative inspiration to promote your next Community Event?

By #YourBrandInTheirLife - New Products, BP News, Rewarding Prospect Engagement No Comments
DSCF5944-1-800x400 You are sitting at your desk with a cup of your favorite, thinking about what you will add to your upcoming Community Marketing event to make it memorable for prospective home owners. You think you'd like to use a branded gift to keep them connected to your community after they've toured your Models and met Sales Consultants. What to do? You have a million other details to handle to be ready for your event. If this is you, read on! Here are Five of our Favorites for New Home Community Event Marketing: 1.) We love this stylish vintage laminated grocery tote which works triple hard carrying groceries, reminding your home buying prospects about their connection to your brand and advertising your communities to everyone one else in their midst as a small billboard. Under $3 for all that promotional power! Consumers love the all-over print look on these laminated bags, proven by the many upscale retailers who currently sell laminated shopping bags in their stores. vintagetotebag 2.) The Fidget Spinner is a hot trend right now and there's nothing like it to entertain younger family members while Parents are taking time to explore your enticing Sales Models. Under $2 with hours of entertainment value and fun. Packaging creates completely custom presentation options for $1.25 extra (min. 200 pieces). Promote schools, outdoor play space and family fun in your new home communities.VG3000_a2 3.)  Hot off the press and and arriving this month! We love this well-priced pop-up lantern for Outdoor Family Summer Movie nights in your Community. It's a reminder to prospective homeowners that their new home in your community is full of promise for making endless family memories. Under $8.2037_group_b 4.) Trendy soda bottle-shaped water bottles are being used by consumers everywhere. High performance construction keeps liquids hot 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. As low as $13.55 for 26 oz. bottle.  (retail brands are selling this at $35+ in stores). Consumers cannot get enough of this product.26545788 5.) If great schools are a draw for your communities, align your event gifts with Fall back-to-school promotions. These compact recycled tubes carry a pen, pencil and wooden pencil sharpener, all for $2.15. Super easy to store and distribute.22155761 Our BP Custom Shopper (tm) team works on Home Builder Event marketing projects daily. They love shopping for you and creating a complimentary digital presentation you can use to review creative ideas. Feel free to reach out at 800-388-3565 or via email at if you'd like the support of a personal marketing assistant while you handle all the other details of getting ready for your event(s).  And, if you love a short creative break to shop for your events,  enjoy surfing our event themed stores here: Home Builder Event Gifts by Event Themes  Where do you get your event inspiration? We'd love to know! Feel free to share on our Facebook page.  When you visit our Facebook page, check out Eventbrite's list of 83 ideas for event types, styles and themes. Thanks for stopping by. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc. the leading builder-centric e-Commerce platform and group buying service. Builder Promotions centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the entire new home selling cycle. BP Custom Shopper (tm) and BP GroupBuy (tm) are signature services of Builder Promotions.

Our picks for new & unique builder-centric gifts. Five Favorites!

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What kind of welcome experience have you designed for new home owners on move-in day? The welcome gift you choose reflects the experience you have designed for this very important milestone on the new home buying journey. This gourmet gift is one of 5 products we are featuring in our Five Favorites blog post to share what we are sourcing and designing to nurture the relationship between new home builders and their customers. PastedGraphic-11 (3) #1.) Artisan deep etched bottles filled with Italian balsamic and Virgin Olive oil, packaged in a sleek wooden box with a slide top. Laser engraving to personalize the wood box creates a welcome gift that presents beautifully and is reusable for years to come. Price point: $85 - $90. vintagetotebag #2.) We adore this new vintage-look reusable grocery shopper bag. Taylor Morrison's Esplanade Community team used this to support their launch with other kitchen and food related gifts.
  • 15” H x 13” L x 10” W
  • 110g Laminated Non-Woven Polypropylene
  • Large open main compartment.
  • Supportive bottom board.
  • Contrasting regular polypropylene front open pocket.
  • Matte finish.
Laminated material is water-resistant and easily wipes clean. All these features delivered for under $3 each. stainlessbottle     #3.) These on-trend reusable bottles are a current favorite with the Builder Promotions' sourcing team.  We are seeing these everywhere at retail which is always a sign that home buying consumers will love receiving this branded bottle as part of your Opening, Event or Tour.

26 oz double wall 18/8 stainless steel thermal bottle with copper vacuum insulation, threaded stainless steel insulated lid, and stainless steel base - retail gift box included. Keeps hot beverages for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. $12.95 (one color imprint)

#4.) We absolutely love these artisan cutting boards made from a premium maple with hand forged iron handles. This is really a step up from what's been available to Builders in the way of gourmet cutting boards. Your brand is laser engraved on the front or back (or both). Gourmet welcome gifts reflect the fact that we make a lot of our memories in and around kitchens, food and entertaining.  16" x 10", 1 1/4" thick premium maple. $85 - 90 price range works well for higher end home product.cuttingboardfront
  • Premium maple – 1 1/14 inch thick
  • Handles are hand forged iron either twisted or hammered rustic handles
  • Packaged shrink wrapped per board in strong u-line box.
  • Custom Gift Options
  #5.) We are impressed with the contemporary design of this new Closing and Warranty portfolio which we have custom engineered out of plastic and uses the whole portfolio surface to deliver your brand look n' feel.TM1 (4)
  • 15”W x 10”H x 3.5" D
  • Plastic with black fabric trim.
  • 6 Pockets
  • Customized black foil copy on each tab
  • Please call for custom quote
      BP Custom Shopper is a personal shopping service of Builder Promotions, Inc. The clients who engaged us to design their product, worked with our BP Custom Shopper team. The service is designed to help busy Division Marketing professionals bring their creative ideas to life with minimal time investment and maximum creative impact.  We engage with you to design builder-centric gifts that deliver a memorable brand touch at important milestones in the new home buying journey. Thanks for stopping by. Check back next month for five more of our favorites and feel free to connect if you'd like to bring one of your ideas to life. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc., a builder-centric e-commerce platform and group buying service that centralizes and consolidates purchases of marketing supplies used to support the new home selling cycle. BP Custom Shopper is a signature service of Builder Promotions.

Retail Refreshment. Can Builders borrow from Retail's playbook?

By #YourBrandInTheirLife - New Products, BP News No Comments
bottlesjpeg Welcome to Marketing Blueprints, a blog of Builder Promotions. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a quick read about the marketing value of "refreshment". Refreshment is such an easy way to create delight. It's a gracious way to say "welcome please stay awhile". And it can be an effective marketing tool too. Builders are using refreshment in many creative ways to compliment their events. One quick scan of my Builder Instagram account tells me that Builder Marketing teams are using everything from the Summer BBQ to Food Truck Festivals to draw crowds to their community events. They offer bottles of water or hot beverages to help home shoppers relax and enjoy wandering through a Sales Center. If you look to the retail world, savvy marketers are finding ways to provide refreshments in stores to keep shoppers looking. Here's one of my favorite examples. pirch espresso bar Pirch Home Store is a beacon for customer experience design. Consultants in our city take new clients on a tour of the local Pirch store to understand what great customer experience design feels like. Pirch says they are in the business of delivering "a lifetime of joy". They describe themselves as follows: "We are not here to sell you what we want, rather our focus is to guide you to discover and fall in love with the best products that best suit how you live.  It’s your playground to explore before you buy as you sample complimentary chef-prepared sweet and savory bites and hand crafted coffees, ensuring a lifetime of Joy." The Pirch espresso bar (pictured above) is always full of spouses waiting happily while their other half is finishing their shopping for a wide spectrum of kitchen, bath and outdoor home products. It's brilliant marketing and such a simple tactic using refreshment as a tool to extend the time customers spend shopping in their store. Could Builder Sales Centers take a page out of the Retail playbook?  Yes! Builders have intentionally designed their Sales Centers and Models to help home buying consumers experience the ideal of what their new home could be. When busy house hunters begin their in-person home search on a weekend that is already jammed with kids activities and house chores, there's a good chance they haven't planned their refreshment breaks.Sports_mom_and_kids_and_everything_she_does There's also a better than a good chance that they are pushing through their house hunting "list" very efficiently so that they can be finished in time for their children's game or social event that evening. How can you borrow a page out of the Pirch playbook to encourage them to "stay awhile"? One BP client recently purchased their own branded Tea and Hot Cocoa packets to make people feel welcome during the winter season. Another uses a Popcorn machine to keep the youngest family members entertained, and they brand the fun with their own custom popcorn boxes. These are small ways to make visitors feel welcomed and provide a little refreshment too. We think it also buys a little extra time with prospects because they get refreshment at the Sales Center rather than departing for the nearest Starbucks. Private Label Water is another simple marketing tool that offers refreshment and delight to weary home shoppers. Trilogysample2By leveraging gorgeous Builder photos, water bottle designs become another delivery point for rich lifestyle images of your communities. It's another way to welcome your visitors and offer much needed refreshment in a busy day of house hunting. While we love Pirch's espresso bar idea, we realize you may not be ready to hire a full time Barista at your Sales Centers! Here's a list of budget-friendly refreshment ideas to help prospects enjoy their experience at your new home community:
  • Builder Branded Trail Mix Packages
  • Builder Private Label Power Bars
  • Builder Custom Label Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa
  • Private Label Water
  • Custom Breath Mints and Chewing Gum
Thanks for stopping by. We appreciate your time. Cheers, Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, an e-commerce, and mobile procurement platform delivering branded products used throughout the new home selling cycle. Builder Promotions proprietary GroupBuy service enables Divisions to benefit from collaborative purchasing.  

Saying Yes. A simple idea with big impact.

By BP News No Comments
sayyes-evite "Yes is a tiny word that can do big things - say it often." Eric Schmidt, Google  During his commencement address at University of California at Berkeley, Google Leader, Eric Schmidt spoke about the magic of saying yes. He summarizes his advice well in this excerpt. "Find a way to say yes to things. Say yes to invitations to a new country. Say yes to meeting new friends. Say yes to learning a new language, picking up a new sport. Yes is how you get your first job, and your next job. Yes is how you find your spouse, and even your kids. Even if it's a bit edgy, a bit out of your comfort zone, saying yes means you will do something new, meet someone new and make a difference in your life, and likely in others' lives as well. … Yes is a tiny word that can do big things. Say it often." At Builder Promotions, we talk about the importance of saying "Yes" to clients and the power of the positive response it engenders. Yes can magically lighten the workplace and deliver delight to clients all at once. If we can deliver customer happiness, we feel we've fulfilled our brand mission. This blog post is part of our "Yes Campaign" designed to help us deliver more Yes and less stress for our busy Builder Marketer clients. We rarely say no, but when we do, it's disappointing to our clients and pains our Production team that they cannot say yes. The culprit is almost always tight scheduling, so we set out to become part of the scheduling solution! To overcome scheduling challenges for a very important client, we recently collaborated with her to create a promotional calendar so that she could relax knowing we would contact her in advance about upcoming Openings, Events and Customer Closing needs for her Communities. It reduced her stress around last minute ordering and helped us to say yes 100% of the time. After saying "Yes" to working on the scheduling solution, I started to think about the magic of yes and how this tiny word can set off a positive chain of events at work and elsewhere. So here's my list of things that deserve a yes and more often than not, produce positive returns - what's on your list?
  • Yes to your goals
  • Yes to your passion
  • Yes to your kids
  • Yes to your spouse or significant other
  • Yes to mending fences
  • Yes to new things
  • Yes to reaching out to someone
  • Yes to cultivating new talent at work
  • Yes to a giving a compliment
If you'd like to receive an email copy of our personalized promotional planner, please connect with us at 800.388.3565 or email me personally at Tell us about your upcoming events, openings and closings, and then relax because we'll be in contact to keep your schedule on track. Thanks for stopping by Marketing Blueprints. Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, a builder-centric procurement platform delivering branded marketing supplies used to support the complete new home selling cycle.