When our clients host an event at their new home community, we create a memorable branded gift that deepens a prospect's connection to the brand, after the event has passed. So that's one task our busy Division Marketer clients can check off their long list of Event "to dos". But we know that's not even a fraction of the work to be done to launch an event. We know that the important work of making any event a success is drawing a crowd! Our readers will be excited to learn that in this blog post, we're interviewing Builder Funnel marketing expert Spencer Powell, about building traffic for your events.
We know that economy of time is important to Builder Marketers, and we love Spencer's efficient step by step approach to planning and executing an event filled with interested prospects. And, to make life easy for our readers, we asked Spencer to create bonus content so you can download the checklist and keep it as digital resource. We'll share it later in the post. Here's the interview:
Marketing Blueprints: Can you tell us how you approach the planning and execution for new home community events?
Spencer Powell, Builder Funnel: We help our new home builder clients approach this in two phases. The first phase is building out your digital assets. The second phase is implementing your outreach campaign leading up to the event.
Marketing Blueprints: Can you start by giving us your check list for building assets?
Spencer Powell, Builder Funnel: Yes, it's a simple list. Ideally the process begins 4-6 weeks out before an event is actually going to take place. The timing plays an important role in growing your RSVP list. If you are tight on time, feel free to download the checklist and read it when it's most convenient for you.
Turnkey Digital Marketing Event Checklist
Here’s our Phase One checklist:
- Make a Schedule so that tasks on this checklist are placed within the time frame leading up to your event. Even if you have less time than is ideal, a schedule helps you keep track of anyone on your team who is helping you get this done.
- Access or request existing community content you will need to share in emails, on your landing page and in social posts. Having this ready will keep you on schedule.
- Video Tour
- Community Brochure
- Floorplans
- Lifestyle & Home Imagery content
- Prepare your email content for the invite to your Database and calendar reminders to everyone who sends an RSVP.
- Develop an Event landing Page. This is where people will RSVP on your website. The landing page should include information about the event, enticing community imagery and all the event details communicated with a sense of excitement.
- Create a “Thank You Page” that is automated from the Landing page to express your appreciation for the RSVP. Tell people how excited you are that they are attending. This is where you share exciting information about the Community you are promoting. It’s a perfect place to deliver “bonus content” like floor plans, a video tour, and your community brochure to everyone who RSVP’s. Ultimately the thank you page shows your appreciation and reinforces the prospects attraction to the community.
6. Write an automated follow up email for people who close out before they get the thank you message. It should be a duplicate of the Thank you page.
7. Leverage the Division Website using a Call to Action Graphic that links to the Event Landing page.
- Prepare your Social Posts with links back to the landing page to create excitement leading up to your Event. Use event announcement, video tours of your community and home lifestyle imagery content to entice prospective home buyers.
- Facebook – Create an event page and post an album for the Community
- Twitter
- Instagram
- Houzz – Post a project around your Models
- YouTube – Video Tour
In our second post we'll discuss the execution of the Event campaign. Here's a sneak peek.
Marketing Blueprints: So much to do, so little time. Planning really helps. Now that you’ve set up your schedule and you've built all your digital assets, how do you get people to your Event?
Spencer Powell, Builder Funnel: Now that you’ve developed your assets and content, you’ll see why it pays to get all that lined up early. At this point, about 3 weeks out, it’s all about inviting your list, amplifying to the surrounding community via Social Media and consistent reminders to get them there. If you can't wait for our second post, feel free to download the checklist and save it as a resource to plan your upcoming events.
Thanks for sharing your turnkey checklist with us Spencer! We look forward to sharing Event Marketing Phase Two in our next post.
To our readers and clients -- we hope this content adds value to your Community Marketing and makes your work just a little bit easier, too.
Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger
Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions. Builder Promotions is the leading builder-centric e-Commerce and creative services platform helping new home builders centralize purchases of branded marketing supplies used to support the entire new home buyer journey. BP Custom Shopper(tm), a Builder Promotions signature service, brings creative sourcing support to Division Marketers nationwide.