With the Spring Selling season well on it's way, Builder Marketers are thinking about their Summer events. Builder Promotions follows 200+ top Builders on Instagram, and it's clear Instagram is being used by smart builder Marketers to promote Community Events, and this is where a Builder Mobile APP can add marketing horsepower and sales opportunity.
With your branded Mobile App in hand, your prospects can receive invitations to your event and follow up from your Sales Team. You can reward prospects digitally on their App or incentivize them with themed gifts they receive in-person at the event. Here are 5 ideas for using Mobile to attract a crowd, enhance your events and follow up afterward to nurture qualified prospects.
#1 Event: Summer Concerts on the Community Green
Incentivize Attendance: Offer a free download of the band's music or a digital reward music download card with a free song(s) and a branded landing page for your community.
#2 Event: VIP Realtor Cooking Demo with Wine Pairing to Showcase Gourmet Kitchen Design
Invite and Follow-up: Send an Invite through your Mobile App and share recipe content after the event so guests can reproduce what they learned when they entertain at home. Offer an upscale cooking gift. Ask invitees to share their favorite food and wine pairings with the Facebook button that connects to your page from your App.
#3 Event: Farmer's Market "Pop-up" at Your New Home Community
Invite and Incentivize Attendance: Use your Mobile App to share content with seasonal recipes that use Farmer's Market ingredients. Offer an Eco-Recycled Farmer's Market Tote when they arrive. Send notifications about free offers from Market vendors.
#4 Event: Summer Movie Nights
Announce, Tease and Follow-up: Use your Mobile App to announce a family movie night. Set up a link to a trailer of the movie to tease your target audience and follow-up with a digital reward delivering a free movie night at home. All delivered via your prospects' mobile device!
#5 Virtual Event: 72-Hour Facebook Design Jam
Invite, Engage: Use your branded Mobile App to invite prospects to share an image of their happiest place at home (mine is a tiny front porch which I've reimagined as an outdoor living room). Integrate enticing photos of your favorite spaces in new homes you are marketing. Encourage images adorned with family pets to boost FB engagement.
Do you have a one of those creative images that conveys the essence of a recent event? A picture is worth 1000 words and we'd love to see your Event photos on our FaceBook page if you have a minute to post.
Thanks for joining the conversation.
Cheers! Leslie Bridges, Chief Blogger
Marketing Blueprints is sponsored by Builder Promotions, an e-commerce company and proprietary group buying platform that manages branded products and marketing supplies used throughout the new home selling cycle. Builder Promotions' Mobile App supports busy marketers who are doing business on-the-go.