A brand can be seen as the personification of your business. It is what your customers think and feel about you. A brand has its image and voice, just like a person. And if we can say that building a brand means humanizing your business, it’s also safe to conclude that, like any real person, a brand cannot stay the same forever.
A brand is a dynamic entity which needs to evolve, so every once in a while, companies need to stop and think about whether they need to refresh and update their brands. The most dangerous pitfall to avoid is doing it too often, or else it will send mixed messages to your prospects and customers. Take a look at some of our tips for a successful brand refresh.
1. Logos and Taglines Come First
If you want to tune your company’s visual identity, start from logos, taglines, and your style guide. But remember – if you’re doing it, you’ll need a good reason that will bridge the gap between your old and new brand. On the other hand, if your logo looks like it was designed back in 2002, don’t bother having second thoughts. When you create your new logos and taglines, trademark them as your assets.
2. Update All Other Visual Elements
Before launching a brand refresh, be sure to update all visual elements – signage, uniforms, web assets, photos, and videos. Creating an online brand guide makes is simple for all stakeholders to use updated branding in the appropriate marketing channels.
3. Refine Your Brand Voice
Your brand voice is key to communicating your brand message. It is the voice of your business, so you need to know how to express your brand well. By refining your brand voice and speaking in a language relatable to today’s homebuyers, you can positively influence how your brand image is received, (without any expensive tactical changes).
4. Tune Your Messaging
When you refine your brand voice, think of ways to tune your messaging. Who are you and what is your story? How do you want to tell it and does it resonate with your audience? Take your time to improve the message you want to send, and start communicating it across social media.
When is the right time for a brand refresh? When your brand outgrows its original purpose and evolves, its marketing elements must evolve as well. If they don’t, then they start to conflict and detract from your brand’s reputation.
These are some essential steps to undertake when working to refresh and update your brand. You can also supplement your efforts in other ways, such as launching new products (if you don’t want to change your entire brand architecture but retain your current corporate identity) or trying new marketing channels.
We at Builder Promotions offer you our eStore portal where you can offer your Divisions teams preapproved and brand compliant products that can help you introduce your brand updates. When you are ready to launch your updates, we work as an extension of your brand compliance team and help you create and share your new brand guidelines.
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Our blog is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc., a complete solution of builder-centric branded products and print collateral that support the entire new home buyer journey.