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The Power of Thank You.

The other day I heard one of our supply chain reps was transitioning to another job. I wanted to send him a thank you note for doing so much to support our company's mission while he managed our account.  He wrote back that he was "speechless" and thanked me for the taking time to say "Thanks". Is it that rare that he is appreciated? I hope not, but it got me thinking about the power of Thank You. It's something that should be on our daily list of priorities. Small gratitudes are delivered through these two words, and they can create a positive momentum in the workplace and at home. I started thinking about where we have opportunities to say thank you. This is my list  -- what's yours?
  • Thank you is a word you can teach any toddler, and they benefit from the effect it has on parents, teachers and friends alike.
  • Thank you lets the person who held the door open know that you appreciate the gesture and that manners do matter (like their Mother taught them!).
  • Thank you tells an employee you don't take them for granted, and you notice they care about your company or project as much as you do.
  • Thank you, gives hope to an airline employee being tested by demanding travellers during busy summer travel. They want to get home to their family too!
  • Thanking your child for doing their part at home, tells them you noticed their small and important efforts to help.
  • Thanking your friends for hikes, lunch, movies, coffee, golf, good jokes, reinforces the importance of your connection even if you haven't seen them as much as you'd like.
  • Thank anyone who makes it easier for you to deliver value to your customers. You couldn't do your job without them.
  • Thank your Customers. They ARE your business.
  • Thank prospects.  They are your future customers!
  • Thank the property maintenance person at your child's school. They are true unsung heroes and often gentle rockstars of a school community.
  • If you thank people enough, you know that gratitude is contagious, and it creates positive momentum in your day.
So if you have wanted to thank someone for anything, tell them! It's never too late. Email them, send a card, call them, Snapchat them, send a Facebook message, text them, or just look them in the eye and say thank you.  It's good for business, and it's good for life. Practice random acts of gratitude. The team at Builder Promotions is incredibly grateful to all of our clients and partners nationwide. And, we appreciate every single minute new prospects spend on our website getting to know us too. We would not be where we are without all of you.thank-you-rocks-award   We hope you’ll return to check out our blog, Marketing Blueprints to see what resources we’re sharing to support Builder Marketers, many of whom are very generous with their appreciation. We are tweeting, pinning, posting, writing and LinkingIn. Here’s where you can find and follow us if you like. Twitter: @HomebuilderMktg Instagram: @builderpromotions Pinterest Board: Fun, Creative, Useful Gift Ideas Facebook: LinkedIn: Our blog is sponsored by Builder Promotions, Inc., a complete solution of builder-centric branded products and print collateral that support the entire new home buyer journey.      

Leslie is a partner in Builder Promotions Marketing firm, a company devoted to making life better at work for the Marketing professionals who work tirelessly to deliver New Home Communities that provide a place for families to live and thrive. She loves being a Mom and keeps a suitcase packed for the next travel adventure with her family.

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